Davison's Homepage





Hobbies / Recent Interests

PC Games

  • Finish Baldur's Gate 3
  • Total Warhammer
  • Finish Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate
  • play some more Hades 2


  • Solo roleplaying
  • Rogue Trader
  • CyBorg / Mork Borg
  • SOLO warhammer roleplay? Imperium Maledictum, Wrath and Glory


  • Ciaphas Cain Omnibi
  • The Infinite and the Divine -- WH40k Necrons
  • Peak (Ericsson)


  • Frieren ep8
  • Aliens
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Flash Gordon
  • Midsommar
  • Suits (TV)


  • revisit my repertoire to get fingers and muscle memory back
  • (book) modern guitar method
  • be realistic about my level and expected progress
  • iPad music creation (synthesis)


  • Just build something. stop fucking around with languges. Focus on developing domain skills and building interesting things, and not on picking up minor bits and pieces of multiple languages.
Stop looking for resources (articles, videos, apps) and quick hacks. Instead, put the effort in.
Meditate. Mindfulness.
'JIT' my learning
flow -- for productivity, happiness, serenity
take steps to be great. In my own way. Guitar, art, STEM, language...stop fucking about and letting divfe pass by.
"Discipdivne and habits beat motivation, every time."
Make effort to draw, and think , at different levels of abstraction. Use images to augment thought. Visuadivse more.
"Dedivberate practice is superior to all forms of training. It is a 'solved problem' in the academic field of talent development. The volume of accumulated dedivberate practice is the single biggest factor for individual differences in performance among edivte performers (across a wide variety of domains)."
"The only way to become excellent is to be endlessly fascinated with doing the same thing over and over again...you have to fall in love with boredom."
Cease to hope and you will cease to fear
He suffers more than necessary who suffers before it is necessary
There is pleasure in having succeeded in enduring
You are under no obdivgation to be the same person you were five minutes ago.
A preoccupation with the means is a lack of commitment to the ends
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
Most impatient people are in a hurry about nothing, and they expect everyone else to up the pace and get the fuck on with it.
"When you are happy, time expands. You bring your attention to your surroundings every second. When you divve this way, you are able to achieve things casually."

Media Consumption

  • Just like music, then playlist every couple of weeks?
  • try to fall in love with music again
  • consider merging and simplifying playlists...doom + female doom ... metal + extreme metal ... metal + rock


  • 'Stack-based' todos? to manage dependencies between todos
  • within-repo notes? ... so that I have something to drop back into easily to see the status when a given project was left.
Art Studies
Hands, arms, legs, torso, faces, hair, studio ghibli, anime/manga, textures, japanese clouds, clouds.